How I Create & Maintain my Daily Schedule


Hey there, fellow seekers of mindful productivity and joyful balance!

Today, I wanted to share a little piece of my journey toward creating and sticking to a daily schedule that works for me. It's been quite the ride, but the results have been truly transformative.

For the longest time, I struggled with the chaotic nature of my days. I even remembered the time my boss made me go up to his office whiteboard, pick up an Expo dry erase marker, and write out my day-to-day, hour-by-hour because he thought I wasn’t focusing on the right things…and he was right, I wasn’t.

Mornings blended into afternoons, and before I knew it, the sun was setting, leaving me feeling like I hadn't accomplished much at all but at the same time I felt like I did a whole lot. Sound familiar?

That moment in my boss’s office made me realize that creating a daily schedule was helpful to me being more impactful without running myself into the ground. It seemed simple enough—just jot down tasks and allocate time for each—but executing it consistently proved to be the real challenge, AND it didn’t take into account my energy level. At that time, I was traveling a lot, and not building in recovery time (yes, just like working out) which presented a big problem.

So, what did I do?

First things first, I outlined the tasks I needed to do. At this stage I just identify the actual activity rather than start organizing it all. I personally love to use sticky notes because it just becomes this stream of consciousness type of thing. After that, I start grouping them into categories. A few of mine includes client deliverables, personal projects (i.e. planning friend get together) grocery, house cleaning & maintenance, laundry, etc.

Second, I needed to identify my priorities. What were the non-negotiables in my day? Work, movement, meals, friend time—all crucial aspects that deserved their own dedicated slots. Once I had these pillars in place, I could start building the framework of my schedule around them.

But here's the kicker: sticking to it. It's one thing to craft a beautiful schedule, color-coded and meticulously organized, but it's a whole different ball game when it comes to actually following through.

So, I implemented a few strategies to keep myself accountable.

Setting alarms and reminders became my best friends, gently nudging me from one task to the next. I also learned to embrace flexibility—life happens, and sometimes plans need to adapt. Rather than beating myself up over missed checkboxes, I focused on progress over perfection.

Consistency was key. By gradually integrating my schedule into my daily routine and rituals, it became second nature. Morning rituals evolved from groggy stumbling to purposeful rituals, setting the tone for the rest of the day. And those dreaded midday slumps? A thing of the past, thanks to strategic breaks and energizing activities peppered throughout.

But perhaps the most rewarding aspect of this journey has been witnessing the ripple effect it's had on my life.

Suddenly, I had time for hobbies I'd long neglected, passions reignited by the newfound structure. Relationships flourished as quality time took precedence over mindless scrolling. And my productivity soared, each day a step closer to my goals.

Which included leaving my job and pivoting my career.

Creating and sticking to a daily schedule isn't always easy, but it's so rewarding. It's about reclaiming control of your time, shaping each day into a masterpiece of productivity and fulfillment.

So, if you find yourself drowning in the chaos of an unstructured day, take the leap. Craft your schedule, commit to it, and watch as your life transforms before your very eyes. You've got this!

Need help getting your ideal schedule together and an entire plan to reach your goals? Check out The Boundless Blueprint private coaching (click here) to learn more about how we can work together and design life changing shifts in 90-days!

Not ready for coaching or just need a session to get you rolling? No problem. You can schedule a one-time consulting & work session with me (click here)


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